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Remote and digital services Tietopaketti

Remote and digital services

Terveystalo’s Public Digital Services offer a wide range of remote medicine solutions, assessments of the need for care, and an advanced digital platform for using remote services. We are building the world’s best public health care by combining effective care with cutting-edge digital expertise. We support the digitalization of health care and help ensure the availability of health services. We offer our key services separately or as a package tailored for the customer organization.

Primary health care Tietopaketti

Primary health care

We provide diverse and high-quality primary health care services to improve the availability and effectiveness of services. Whether you are looking for short-term help with clearing waiting lists or a longer-term partnership, we have a solution for you. Local services can be conveniently supplemented with our remote and digital services in a user-oriented and cost-efficient manner.

Specialist medical care Tietopaketti

Specialist medical care

Our comprehensive expert organization, extensive service network, 18 hospital units, and advanced digital solutions make high-quality specialized medical care services available to public organizations all over Finland. Services can be purchased from us flexibly, either in small parts or larger packages. Our most popular specialized medical services include specialist consultations, endoscopies, diagnostics services, and surgical operations.

Diagnostics and screening Tietopaketti

Diagnostics and screening

In diagnostics and screening, you can rely on our long-standing experience, industry-leading expertise and methods, and efficient processes. These enable quick results and the correct diagnosis for your patients. You can purchase our services flexibly through direct purchase or a purchase agreement or with a service voucher. Our most popular diagnostics and screening services include imaging and mammography screening.

Therapy and rehabilitation services Tietopaketti

Therapy and rehabilitation services

It is important for us to treat people as human beings. The goal of therapy and rehabilitation is to improve the customer’s quality of life and functionality in everyday life as much as possible. We offer comprehensive expert services in mental well-being and the improvement, maintenance, and rehabilitation of physical functional capacity. Therapy is available for children, young people, and adults, both in groups and individually. Services can be purchased flexibly in many ways, for example with a service voucher or as remote services. Therapy customers receive information and instructions on their sessions in the Terveystalo app, where they are conveniently available.

Oral health Tietopaketti

Oral health

We are a top-quality and diverse partner in oral health care. Whether you need to implement the full range of dental care as a purchased service or need to lease an individual dentist or a health care team for temporary needs, we can offer you a reliable and fast solution. We are equally capable of providing preventive oral health care and demanding surgical procedures, depending on the place and the need for care.

Social services Tietopaketti

Social services

We provide high-quality social services in combination with our solid health service expertise. For example, the Sauma child welfare services combine our strong expertise in addiction medicine with our diverse rehabilitation and therapy services. We provide physician-in-charge services for the health care of residents of home care and housing units, and our staffing services help you with the challenges related to the availability of health care personnel.

ER services Tietopaketti

ER services

We are a reliable partner in all health-related needs, including outside office hours. Terveystalo’s physicians have been operating throughout Finland for years, ensuring the availability of emergency care even in small units. Front-line operations are supported by a national physician on call who directs all operations and can alert additional assistance to busy units, if necessary. In addition to physician’s services, we offer high-quality and reliable assessment of the need for urgent care.

Assessment of the need for care Tietopaketti

Assessment of the need for care

The assessment of the need for care is an essential part of a patient’s care pathway. It ensures that the patient is directed to the right place of treatment in a timely manner. Terveystalo has solid and long-standing experience in this area. Whether you need a partner in urgent or non-urgent assessment of the need for care, our health care professionals are at your disposal throughout Finland.

Leasing of personnel Tietopaketti

Leasing of personnel

Terveystalo offers diverse staffing services for public health care and private companies for short-term and long-term needs. Our range of services includes staffing services for primary health care, occupational health, specialized medical care, and oral health care, as well as fully outsourced nurse teams to provide home care for respiratory paralysis patients. We always tailor our staffing services to the customer’s needs. The use of staffing services is a sensible solution in a variety of situations. Patients need quality care without long waiting lists, regardless of the availability of your own personnel. With the help of Terveystalo’s employees, you can cover the vacations or longer absences of your personnel, acquire workforce to locations where it is difficult to recruit employees, or clear patient waiting lists. You can also outsource the recruitment and resourcing of personnel of entire functions to Terveystalo.

Occupational health services Tietopaketti

Occupational health services

We are Finland’s leading national provider of occupational health services and are already responsible for the occupational health of more than 80,000 employees working in the public sector. In all, we work with around 23,000 employers and around 670,000 employees in all business sectors. Finland’s most extensive patient database and knowledge of various industries guarantee that we know the health, employees, and work demands of Finns. Our award-winning Terveystalo app provides end users with easy access to services and information, and we also provide effective tools for disability management. Contact us and we will tailor the most suitable occupational health solution for your public organization. Terveystalo is a market leader in the occupational health services of municipalities and other public operators, and we know the needs of our customers very well.

Partnership solutions Tietopaketti

Partnership solutions

Our partnership solutions are more extensive health and/or social care service packages. By purchasing a service package from a private partner, the public sector is able to compare its own operations with another operator and, consequently, develop its operations for the benefit of citizens. Partnership solutions also seek to improve the availability of services, for example in the form of shorter waiting lists and cost savings, and to ensure the functionality of public services in general.

Coronavirus services Tietopaketti

Coronavirus services

We want to support public health care in the common fight against the coronavirus pandemic and act as a partner at all stages of the pandemic. We support the public sector by providing individual services or by being involved in comprehensive pandemic management.