Privacy statement
The categories of personal data processed
- Name, personal identity code, contact details, mother language and language of service, occupation, manager/employee relation, other identification information (e.g. copy of a passport), next of kin specified by the patient/in case of underaged patients, guardians and their contact details
- Health information required by healthcare professionals for treating the patient (patient records, photographs, referrals, statements and forms)
- Health and self-care data provided by the patient
- Information on laboratory tests, imaging studies, and other examinations.
- Information related to physiotherapy and occupational physiotherapy as well as information related to the employer
(such as workplace visits)
- The customer data used in the work ability coaching services
- Information necessary for handling a customer’s rehabilitation case, entered by the work ability coach
- Assignment from a pension or accident insurance company or other party and the appendices thereto
- Information related to well-being, such as replies to questionnaires, follow-up data and analyses
- Measurement data produced or delivered by the person themselves
- Samples and test results
- Information pertaining to the employer of occupational health care customers, such as department or unit, job title, sickness fund membership, the employer’s insurance company details
- Customer, date, time, place and the person for whom the appointment was made as well as the person who made the appointment and date on which it was made
- Appointment history
- Telephone number of the caller, identifier of the recipient, date and hour, and the recording of the conversation
- Chat session recordings
- Parties to the chat, date and hour, and the recording of the chat
- Invoicing information concerning treatment and examinations. Payer information related to the treatment or care (for example insurance company)
- Orderer and payer information related to the online shop
- Information related to the user’s health entered by the user
- Information on health and any mobility limitations, injuries, illnesses, or other health problems
- Vaccination information
- Information on hobbies and other interests
- Information related to the use of a heart rate monitor or activity tracker
- Other information entered by the user in relation to the user’s health and fitness
- Feedback or clarification requests and the replies to them
- Contact information reported by the feedback provider
- Incident description and the report given to the person concerned
- Name and title of the person who made the note on the patient record as well as data and time on which it was made
- Information on satisfaction in services and comments on the controller’s services
- Information related to wishes, choices, and services that the user would like to have
- Contact history
- Information recorded from a third party register with the user’s express consent
- Loyal customer information
- IP address
- Browser-related and operating system information
- Session ID and other equivalent information
- Website behavior during the session
- A person’s consent and refusal information related to direct marketing and the processing of personal data