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Occupational Health

Currently important in occupational healthcare

On this page, you can find news and articles related to occupational health to help you build the well-being of your workplace community and conveniently keep up-to-date with current topics related to work and health.

 Influenza season is approaching – vaccinate your employees.

Influenza season is approaching – vaccinate your employees

Rapidly spreading influenza can cause long periods of sick leave among working-age people. The best protection against influenza is a vaccine. Influenza vaccination prevents the disease in approximately 50-80 % of cases and shortens the duration of the disease. By including influenza vaccination in your occupational health contract, you ensure that your staff can get vaccinated against influenza every year if they wish.


Read about current benefits for occupational health customers

As a preferred customer, you are entitled to a number of benefits, including discounts on privately paid Terveystalo services. You remain a preferred customer free of charge as long as you are covered by Terveystalo’s occupational healthcare services.