Contact information for the occupational healthcare sales team and customer relations

Are you considering an occupational health contract with us? Leave us a request for contact by filling in the request for quote form and we will contact you shortly. By filling in your company details carefully, you will ensure that we can get to know your company in advance, assist you quickly and offer you the most suitable package of services for your company's needs. Together, let's build a healthy, safe and prosperous workplace for you!

The occupational healthcare sales

Small and medium enterprises (1–100 employees)

Contact us - the best way to reach us is to submit a request for a quote: Request a quote

Kati Matkaselkä.

Kati Matkaselkä

Heidi Meronen.

Heidi Meronen

Janni Salminen.

Janni Salminen

Sales Manager
Tel. 050 530 2205

Anna Pesonen.

Anna Pesonen

Sales Lead
Tel. 050 477 6183

You can also call us on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. or send an email to

Area sales managers

Heidi Kormano.

Heidi Kormano

Southern Finland
Tel. 050 374 6564

Anna-Maija Rimpiläinen.

Anna-Maija Rimpiläinen

Helsinki Metropolitan Area
Tel. 040 561 2117

Nina Storfors.

Nina Storfors

Helsinki Metropolitan Area
Tel. 040 562 4282

Eetu Kumpulainen.

Eetu Kumpulainen

Eastern and Central Finland
Tel. 050 475 0922

Heli Riikila.

Heli Riikilä

Pirkanmaa, Kanta-Häme
Tel. 040 751 0046

Virve Seppälä.

Virve Seppälä

Southwest Finland, Satakunta and South Ostrobothnia
Tel. 043 824 2353

Teresa Wilen.

Teresa Wilén

Oulu and the southern region
Tel. 050 312 8153

Sales management

Ulla Saarenoksa.

Ulla Saarenoksa

Director, Corporate and Public sector
Tel. 050 395 9909

Customer relations

Your own occupational health team

Do you have any questions about your own occupational health contract or our services? Always contact your own occupational health team. You can reach your team at Suunta service

Corporate customer service

Requests for changes to company and company contact information, including name and business ID changes, address changes (invoicing and company addresses), and other contact information updates, as well as questions related to your contract or customer relationship.

on weekdays from 8 to 16
tel: 0900 30 010*

Invoicing for occupational healthcare services:
on weekdays from 9 to 15
tel: 0900 30 020*

Customer relations management

Terhi Nieminen

Director, Corporate and Public sector Customer relations

Kia Korhonen

Director, small and medium enterprises customer relationships and support

Public sector and communities

We provide occupational health services to Wellbeing services counties, municipalities, cities and other public organisations. Contact us!

Astrid Ebeling.

Astrid Ebeling

Account manager, Public sector
Puh. 040 5043 756

Mikko Welling

Account manager, Public sector (South and western Finland)
Tfn 044 494 1038

Noora Helakari.

Noora Helakari

Account manager, Public sector (Northern Finland)
Tel. 040 672 1924

Kati Hynninen.

Kati Hynninen

Account manager, Pubic sector (Eastern Finland)
Tel. 044 494 2312

Hanna Kortteinen.

Hanna Kortteinen

Manager, Terveystalo Kuntoutuspalvelut
Tel. 050 548 5479