The classification of health inspections will change on January 1, 2023 - - our goal is to increase accuracy in reporting of the work ability situation of the working community
Health checks are an integral part of preventive and health-promoting occupational health activities, the aim of which is to protect employees from work-related health risks, promote the employee's resources and health, and assess and support work ability. Health inspections produce group-level information to support work ability management. In order to improve the quality of the reporting of performed inspections, we are updating the classification of inspections from January 1, 2023.
In the future, the categories of health inspections will be based on the main division drawn up by STM, which takes even better account of the health inspection basis. Although the classification and also a large part of the names of the health inspections will change from January 1, 2023, the inspections will continue to be carried out according to the needs of the workplace and with the implementation methods agreed in the annual action plan.
The change does not require any action from our customers.
From January 1, 2023, the following main categories will be used in Terveystalo's health inspections:
- Special risk of illness (ESV) inspections, i.e. inspections performed from an occupational safety perspective in exposed jobs with a special risk of illness
- Special health requirements at work (TEV) inspections, i.e. inspections performed from an occupational safety perspective when there are special health requirements at work
- Job placement inspection performed on the basis of the Civil Service Act
- Health and working ability are promoted by inspections that are carried out from the perspective of working ability
In particular, there are several name changes in the inspections performed from the perspective of work ability. The name "health check-up to promote health and work ability" includes, for example, previous inspections of age group, work community, display terminal, information work, manager, retirement and work under consideration. This means that from the beginning of 2023, the name shown in the reporting and on the invoice covers all the aforementioned health checks. The method of carrying out the inspection defined in the action plan will not change, so comparability with previous years will be maintained. In the reporting, we are also able to distinguish better than before all the main categories mentioned above, and for all inspections, whether the inspections were carried out at the beginning of the employment relationship or during the employment relationship. In the Suunta service's Reporting view, the change will be visible from February 1, 2023.
From the perspective of work ability, we also carry out new Mind and work and Body and movement health checks, which take into account the special characteristics of industries and work load factors even better.
Invitations to health inspections will still be sent out in the same way, and the reclassification of inspections or name changes are not visible to the personnel of our client companies in any way.
If you have any questions, please contact your occupational health team.