Sleep - a critical cornerstone of lifestyle change

Sleep affects every aspect of our bodies, from the brain to physical performance. Because of its holistic nature, its importance in lifestyle change is undeniable. Eevert Partinen, a doctor and a sleep specialist at Terveystalo, explains how sleep is linked to key lifestyle diseases and how it affects our daily activities.

Science strongly supports the argument that sleep is an essential component of health and well-being. Maintaining motivation for lifestyle change, making healthy choices and managing long-term health risks all require good sleep. For the majority of adults, adequate sleep needs are around 7-9 hours per day.

During sleep, the body repairs the damage done during the day and replenishes energy stores ready for the next day. When making lifestyle changes, adequate sleep provides the energy to change behaviours and maintain the new habit," says Partinen.

Research* shows that sleep has a significant impact on our well-being and our efforts to maintain healthier lifestyles, both in terms of motivation and metabolism.

When we are sleep deprived, we are understimulated and our energy levels are lower. The body is on a 'maintenance state' and we can only perform the activities we need to do. We don't have the energy to sustain the change and the motivation to adopt a healthy lifestyle," Partinen advises.

Sleep deprivation predisposes to lifestyle diseases linked to metabolic disorders

Sleep quality also affects mental health, stress management and mental well-being. A poor night's sleep can lead to emotional decisions that are impulsive and inappropriate.

If our brains are not sufficiently rested, they cannot control impulses and the neurotransmitters and hormones that influence appetite are altered. It has been found that when tired, we eat up to 350-500 calories more than after a good night's sleep. Prolonged sleep deprivation therefore predisposes people to unhealthy eating habits and the resulting cravings can lead to weight gain of up to 5-10 kilos a year," says Partinen.

When tired or stressed, the body's immune defence system is weakened because all the energy is used to maintain alertness.

Sleep deprivation has been found to weaken immunity by up to a third of what it is after a good night's sleep. Even sleeping poorly or too little for 5-7 days weakens blood sugar balance and raises stress hormones.  This is how sleep deprivation ultimately predisposes to type 2 diabetes.  Conversely, a well-slept night balances blood sugar levels, which lowers the risk of diabetes," says Partinen.

Sleep deprivation also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease directly by increasing the body's inflammatory factors and indirectly by raising blood pressure.

Coaching for effective help with sleep problems

Sleep problems are a fairly common challenge for today's working age population and naturally affect people's work performance and thus the productivity of their work in the organisation. In addition to the benefits for the individual, the investment in good sleep also pays off for companies in terms of increased productivity and reduced sickness absence due to sleep problems.

Insomnia can be caused by a number of factors. And sleep problems are rarely the only reason people seek treatment. It is important to first make sure that there is no underlying medical condition that requires treatment, and then, with the help of a sleep coach, find ways to improve sleep quality without medication," Partinen advises.

Currently, the most impressive international results in the treatment of sleep problems have been achieved with sleep coaching based on cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT-I), which is also used at Terveystalo. Through this drug-free treatment for insomnia, patients learn skills that they can use independently to improve their sleep quality in the long term.

In Finland, we have around 200 sleep coaches specialised in drug-free treatments for insomnia, who can provide support for sleep-related questions or problems. Many of the sleep coaches are also occupational health professionals, so they can take a broader view of sleep problems, including possible work-related factors that affect sleep quality, and find solutions to support better sleep and work capacity," Partinen says.

Articles in scientific releases
* Does sleep affect immunity?

* The role of sleep deprivation in the risk of immune-related diseases

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