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Young people's expectations of equality in working life Article

Young people's expectations of equality in working life

Many sectors are looking at ways to tackle skills shortages. In Finland in particular, where baby boomers are moving out of the workforce, organisations are looking at ways to recruit and retain young talent, who expect strong value leadership from their organisations. Equality and equity are key values in modern working life and are also key to the well-being, motivation and productivity of young workers.

Brave new world demands a new level of care: an international assessment model for quality and safety in remote appointments published Blog

Brave new world demands a new level of care: an international assessment model for quality and safety in remote appointments published

Terveystalo was the first in Finland to test a tool published by WHO in the spring that enables healthcare providers to assess the quality, safety and effectiveness of their remote appointments.

Terveystalo and the Eating Disorder Association working together towards responsible and effective solutions Article

Terveystalo and the Eating Disorder Association working together towards responsible and effective solutions

Terveystalo and the Eating Disorders Association have agreed on a cooperation that aims to influence the structures that predispose to disordered eating behaviour in health care and working life and to offer clients multidisciplinary treatment with a positive approach to eating disorders.

Työyhteisö toimistotöissä Article

Healthy working life barometer: 47% think Finnish working life is healthy - CEOs have a rosier view of the state of working life than HR managers and supervisors

Terveystalo's annual Healthy Working Life Barometer surveyed the state of Finnish working life, the ability of organisations to respond to changing working life and the role of occupational health in working life.

Näin Suomi voi -analyysi Article

Näin Suomi voi - a review of the health of working-age people

In 2023, Finland returned to pre-Covid19 levels of morbidity. However, Terveystalo's data on "Näin Suomi voi (How Finland is doing)"* reveals a significant change in the nature of sickness absence, which reflects a change in the culture of work performance management and a change in the way work is done. Despite the decline in sickness absence rates, the poor general health of the working-age population is a cause for concern for health professionals.

True or false: sleep deprivation causes more road accidents than alcohol Article

True or false: sleep deprivation causes more road accidents than alcohol

True. There is also less awareness of the risk of accidents caused by sleep deprivation, which makes driving while tired insidiously dangerous. What level of drunkenness is equivalent to one night's sleep? Matleena Näppilä, occupational health physician at Terveystalo.

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